Welcome to the “PITCH PARTY”, a vibrant platform where aspiring vendors come to turn their business dreams into reality. We invite you to pitch your innovative business idea to a group of seasoned business owners who are eager to share their wisdom and expertise. Our carefully curated events offer a unique opportunity to showcase your vision, receive valuable insights, and the first steps towards building a successful business. Join our supportive community, connect with like-minded individuals, and unlock the potential of your entrepreneurial journey. Let us be your guide, providing you with the knowledge, advice, and resources you need to thrive. It’s time to bring your business idea to life!


Get yourself prepared for launch because it can be exhilarating. At the PITCH PARTY, you’ll be given 10 minutes to make your pitch to an eager audience that excited about your new venture. After your pitch, benefit from 20 minutes of collective wisdom, support and encouragement, helping you take the next steps towards success.